The Squash Blog | Control the 'T' Sports

Week of Workouts with Control the 'T' Sports (Day 4 - 5 Minute HIIT Circuit No. 2)

Written by Alex Robertson | Apr 29, 2020 11:00:00 PM

We're now up to day 4 in our Week of Workouts, similar to day 2, today's episode features a calorie burning high intensity cardio circuit that requires no equipment and minimal space!

Check it out here - 

(The video is in real time, however, using YouTube's settings you can speed it up if you need to)

Again, like day 2, there are 8 different exercises which are done for 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest in between. However, it's possible that you may find this workout either a little too easy or a little too difficult, it's important to note that you can adjust the duration of the exercises or rest time to suit your own personal goals.

Or alternatively you can just repeat the circuit until you're maxed out!

HIIT circuits like today's are great for so many reasons, and the exercises included can be done by absolutely anybody! It's a workout that doesn't take long, burns calories, and makes you fitter and more healthy as a person...

...This is why we've featured two cardio circuits in the Week of Workouts!

Workout Summary (each exercise is done for 30 seconds followed by 10 seconds rest):

- Fast feet

- Skater jumps

- Burpees

- Large jump and back pedal

- Lateral floor touches

- Spider mountain climbers

- Plank toe touches

- Seal jacks

Did you enjoy day 4's workout? If so, subscribe now so we can let you know when we post new content!