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Jeff Warren
By Jeff Warren
on May 24, 2010
Congratulations to Nick on achieving the #1 spot in the world. This last year of squash from Nick has been very impressive. He has steadily moved up the rankings from the middle to bottom of the top ...
Jeff Warren
By Jeff Warren
on May 13, 2010
There is a very different vision of practicing at different squash clubs. At many clubs "practice" is always match play. I believe practice should consist of both drills and some match play.
Jeff Warren
By Jeff Warren
on May 07, 2010
Squash is a physical game as we all know. Being physically fit and prepared is imperative to success. Being mentally prepared is just as important though.
Jeff Warren
By Jeff Warren
on May 07, 2010
Knowing what shot to play at a certain time is imperative. Most squash players will have heard that the squash court can be divided up in to 3 sections, the front, the middle and the back of the ...