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Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 11, 2025
We've all been on the back foot in a squash rally, game, or even an entire match, however, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're going to lose!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 11, 2025
I'm not going to take full credit for this topic, however, I am very excited about writing it!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 23, 2025
You can learn a heck about your opponent's mindset by observing their actions and body language, whether before a match, during a match, or even in between games.
By Nicole Bunyan
on February 23, 2025
Team CT's very own Nicole Bunyan is back with another awesome tournament recap. This time, Nicole walks us through her experience at the recent 'Squash in the Land' PSA silver event in Cleveland, ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 23, 2025
Squash doesn’t have one official numerical rating system like other sports such as pickleball, where players are ranked from 2.0 to 6.0 based on their ability, however, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 28, 2025
Squash is pretty hard for nearly everybody who picks up a racket for the first time. It takes a good few tries to get used to the ball, the racquet work, the movement, and even the rules.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 28, 2025
In squash, perfectly executed shots (whether they're winners, repeatedly tight drives, deceptive boasts, or fast-paced volleys) always please the crowd. And that makes sense, because most of the time ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 28, 2025
A while back I wrote an article on squash etiquette and the general unspoken rules that all players should try their best to follow.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 06, 2025
I hope you all had a great Christmas and that you're looking forward to the New Year!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 06, 2025
With 2024 now at an end and the new year in full swing, I thought it would be a good time to look back at 2024.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 06, 2025
In some pretty crazy news, Nouran Gohar has taken over the women's World No.1 spot after her win against Nour El Sherbini in the final of the recent Milwaukee Hong Kong Squash Open.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 11, 2024
I must admit, being injured and off court for so long has made it a lot more difficult for me to come up with topics for blog posts.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 05, 2024
It is fascinating how many professional squash players come from the same families.
By Nicole Bunyan
on December 05, 2024
It's been a short while since we've heard from Team CT's Nicole Bunyan.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 18, 2024
I must admit, I've actually always been a bit naive when it comes to the topic of this article.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 14, 2024
If you've been keeping up with the PSA Squash Tour, you might have noticed that Olivia Weaver seems to be on an absolute hot streak at the moment.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 14, 2024
Unfortunately, my plague of injury has taken yet another turn and I'm now facing even longer off court due to constant lower back pain (that I've had for around six weeks now).
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 14, 2024
Something I (and many other players) often neglect is preparing for matches and tournaments in advance.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 03, 2024
There's a new player in the indoor court shoe market and they make exceptional shoes for squash players looking for a high-end shoe ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 22, 2024
Like so many questions in squash, there isn't necessarily a right or wrong answer regarding which leg is right to lunge on on either side of the court.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 22, 2024
DISCLAIMER: this was written on the 3rd of October**
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 04, 2024
Every year at the start of the season I try to focus an article on some of the players to watch on the PSA Squash Tour, and I think it's about time I did that again!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 24, 2024
Hanging back is easily one of the biggest downfalls of amateur and club level squash players (myself included).
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 24, 2024
I remember when I was a kid the majority of people I went to school with didn't know what squash was and I had to explain it to people.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 24, 2024
The new squash season is almost upon us!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 28, 2024
Having played squash for around 15 years now (and being a certified coach for around 8 of them), I've played with and coached many different players of many different standards.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 28, 2024
You might remember my article around a year ago that covered my experience at a tournament named 'Squash Junkies' held in a town called Hoofddorp in the Netherlands.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 28, 2024
It's pretty common knowledge that racquet sports all complement each other in a variety of different ways. Many players who excel at one tend to be pretty good at any other racquet sport they try.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 28, 2024
In case you were wondering how things are coming with my ankle injury, it's slowly but surely getting better!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 28, 2024
I recently mentioned the GOAT debate in a previous newsletter (GOAT referring to the greatest player of all time), and, I was chatting about this with a few friends.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 23, 2024
There comes a time in every squash player's career where they need to get their racquet restrung.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 23, 2024
Like it is in everyday life, overthinking is also very prevalent in high-pressure sports like squash.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 23, 2024
I do like to throw my opinion into these blog posts when I get the chance (while keeping things informative, educational, and accurate of course).
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 13, 2024
It's pretty common knowledge that professional squash players make nowhere near as much as professional athletes in other, more mainstream sports.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 13, 2024
I must admit that I sometimes struggle to come up with topics for our blog content.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 29, 2024
Have you ever had to talk to someone and coach them in between games during a tight match?
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 18, 2024
With the warmer months now here, many of us have either played, or are about to play, our last team matches, tournaments, and even friendlies of the squash season.
By Nicole Bunyan
on May 18, 2024
In this article, we have another exciting tournament recap from Team CT's Nicole Bunyan, she's certainly been on a roll!
By Nicole Bunyan
on May 18, 2024
Nicole Bunyan is a name we mention a lot in our content, and there are two reasons for that...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 26, 2024
When I was a junior, one of my coaches believed that drives should generally be hit hard, regardless of your (and your opponent's) positioning. I guess there is some merit to this, especially if you ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 01, 2024
I did a pretty solid training session with two good friends of mine the other day, and, it got made me realise that I don't think I've ever actually focused an article on training in a three.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 01, 2024
I recently wrote an article on 7 strategies for playing against taller opponents in squash and it got me thinking about other body types that we often come up against as players.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 19, 2024
This week, I want to talk about men's World No.1, Ali Farag.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 19, 2024
I recently wrote an article on men's World No.1, Ali Farag, who has had an unbelievable career so far, and, who continues to dominate the top of the rankings (showing no sign of slowing down).
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 22, 2024
I'm currently training for the Rome Marathon next month, so, it's obviously been a little difficult for me to focus on squash as well as running as I have a lot of miles to clock up!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 13, 2024
In a recent article, I talked about why rallies in squash are mostly played down the backhand side of the court.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 08, 2024
I'm in a squash group chat with a bunch of my friends and I often run potential article topics off the rest of the group to get their ideas and feedback.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 08, 2024
While I'm writing this, I'm actually at the squash club as I'm playing in our local county closed tournament, so, squash is all around me and very fresh in my mind too.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 23, 2024
It's no secret that Egypt is the current powerhouse when it comes to squash.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 16, 2024
I recently got back from a season of travelling, so, I'd actually been pretty much off court for around four months. I did manage to play every now and then, but, no more than once per month so I'm ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 08, 2024
In this article, I often talk about specific drills and exercises that are good for working on certain areas of your game, however, after doing a full session focused on lengths just this morning, I ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 08, 2024
Quite a long time ago now, I wrote an article focusing on the importance of not neglecting your serve. That message still stands strong, however, the next step up from that is mixing up your serve.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 20, 2023
Often, the difference between yourself and a player who is a bit better than you isn't capability. Chances are, you're capable of playing the exact same shots as they are, they just play them at the ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 11, 2023
Recently, we've seen a few injuries sustained on the PSA World Tour by some of the best players in the world. Given what they put their bodies through, injuries aren't unexpected per se, but, ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 05, 2023
So, unfortunately, this article is somewhat cursed.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 25, 2023
It's very likely that you may have come across defensive players at some point in your squash career.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 19, 2023
After looking through past articles, it dawned on me that I'd never really focused one on solo squash and solo drills.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 05, 2023
One of the biggest shortcomings in my own game is that I don't volley particularly often, not necessarily because I can't, but perhaps it's because I'm being too risk averse, trying to conserve ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 05, 2023
I remember one of the first things I noticed when I started coaching large groups of juniors was just how much squash lingo there is.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 23, 2023
Well, it has finally happened.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 23, 2023
I want to talk a bit about the dynamics of the first game in squash.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 10, 2023
Currently ranked at World No.7, Gina Kennedy is an English squash professional who, after absolutely skyrocketing up the rankings last season, has now solidified her place as one of the best players ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 02, 2023
I think nearly every squash player knows just how important the mental aspect of the game is.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 23, 2023
Sarah-Jane Perry, from Birmingham (England), has had an incredible squash career so far.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 18, 2023
Trick shots can be a somewhat controversial topic in squash.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 15, 2023
Aged just 23, France's Victor Crouin has skyrocketed up the world rankings over the course of his professional career so far.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 06, 2023
Being able to accurately anticipate your opponent's shots is a very powerful weapon to have under your belt in squash.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 29, 2023
The new season is officially here and I am absolutely thrilled!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 29, 2023
I've written a couple of articles on how to beat certain types of players and, to be honest, I've really enjoyed delving deep into those types of topics!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 15, 2023
It feels like I only recently watched the PSA World Tour Finals at the end of last season, but, I'm thoroughly excited that we're now entering the new 2023 - 24 PSA World Tour Season!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 08, 2023
Around 5 or 6 months ago, a friend of mine mentioned an event called 'Squash Junkies' in Amsterdam. It was the first I'd heard about it, however, he assured me it was an incredibly popular team ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 04, 2023
I find etiquette in squash to be an interesting topic to think about. There are a bunch of unwritten rules that most squash players across the globe tend to follow.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 25, 2023
There are many different ways to play the game of squash, however, more often than not, the characteristics of different players can be categorised into a specific player profile.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 25, 2023
Since it's the off-season, some of you may be playing a bit less squash and taking a well-earned breather to enjoy the nice weather at this time of year.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 13, 2023
The boast might just be my favourite shot in squash, the main reason being how creative you can get when deploying boasts into your game plan.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 28, 2023
Aged 26, England's Patrick Rooney has been climbing the PSA World Rankings consistently throughout the course of his career so far, reaching the top 20 for the first time in 2022 and reaching his ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 21, 2023
The off-season is a bit of a strange time for squash players.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 21, 2023
The mantra of 'keep your eye on the ball' often gets taught in squash, however, there is debate about whether you should constantly be watching the ball and nothing else, or, just watching it ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 06, 2023
Last weekend, I played an insane amount of squash in a very short space of time at one of my favourite tournaments of the year, the Danny Gamble Squash Open in Canterbury.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 06, 2023
In squash, momentum can hold a very significant influence over the outcome of rallies, games, and even matches.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 23, 2023
Playing against a shot-maker can be an absolute nightmare in squash. They can seemingly play a winner from anywhere on the court and they are known for taking balls in short at random times during ...
By Nicole Bunyan
on May 23, 2023
We have a guest writer for this exciting article!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 13, 2023
The back of the court is often seen as a place for building the foundations of the rally using depth to create volleying opportunities for yourself, however, there is a lot to be said for mixing ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 13, 2023
Have you ever played against one of those players who seems to get everything back and never misses a shot?
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 10, 2023
I want to talk about the return of serve, as I think it's quite a neglected area of the game that could help a lot of players step up their tactics to the next level.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 20, 2023
Two of my favourite professional squash players on the PSA World Tour faced each other in the quarter-finals of the recent British Open.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 13, 2023
I recently went away skiing and had a couple of weeks off squash, and, after getting back on court, I've come to the conclusion that it's always my T positioning that suffers the most when I have ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 05, 2023
You may be aware that we sponsor a number of exceptional squash players here at Control the 'T' Sports and I'm thrilled to announce that we have a new addition to Team CT!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 30, 2023
Body language is an essential component of squash and there are numerous ways that you can use it to your advantage.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 30, 2023
Due to two of our players being injured, we've recently had a new player join my home club's first team at number five in the order. He's a junior player aged 16 and is very keen on improving his ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 14, 2023
If you watched the recent Black Ball Open, you might have been lucky enough to see the match between Mohamed ElShorbagy and Diego Elias.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 14, 2023
I like to think that my style of play is quite deceptive. I like to experiment with tricky shots with the aim of sending my opponent the wrong way or forcing a weak shot out of them.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 14, 2023
As I've mentioned in past blog posts, I'm a qualified squash coach and, before the pandemic, I was doing a heck of a lot of coaching. I still do the odd lesson here and there, but not as much as I ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 14, 2023
Diego Elias has been cooking up a storm over the past couple of months and it really seems as though a switch has flicked in the Peruvian's head...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 13, 2023
In the previous article, I unpacked the counter drop shot. Going into that much detail on the shot has really helped me begin to use that shot better in my own match situations over the past week.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 13, 2023
The more I watch professional squash the more I notice that they utilise the counter drop way more often than I thought. This has also made me realise that I very rarely play this shot myself and, ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 13, 2023
An apology is in order...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 13, 2023
Control the 'T' Sports sponsor a number of high-quality squash players (who we like to refer to as 'Team CT' or 'Team Control the T').
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 20, 2023
Lucy Beecroft is a name that you might have seen popping up more and more this season as she's been climbing the PSA World Rankings.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 20, 2023
Over the past month or so I've been trying to work on the consistency and accuracy of my straight lengths. One of the main things I'd been having trouble with was repeatedly hitting the ball tight ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 20, 2023
I’m sure some of you will have some New Year's resolutions for the coming year which is great. They can be a great way to get into something new, push yourself a little bit further, or just make your ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 02, 2023
There are a number of reasons why Paul 'Superman' Coll (one of the best players in the world) uses the Head Graphene 360+ Speed 120 Slimbody Squash Racquet. It's light, fast to play with, and ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 02, 2023
Used by one Joelle King (one of the best female squash players on the PSA World Tour), the Head Graphene 360+ Speed 135 Slimbody squash racquet is incredibly powerful and super accurate to play ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 02, 2023
The Head Graphene 360+ Speed 135 is ideal for control-focused players looking to optimise their length game and access some serious touch at the same time.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 02, 2023
Used by Indian squash legend, Saurav Ghosal, the Head Graphene 360+ Speed 120 is designed to provide players with explosive power combined with accurate touch.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 02, 2023
The Speed series from Head consists of four awesome teardrop-shaped squash racquets each of which offering a slightly different blend of speed, accuracy, and power depending on your playing style!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 30, 2022
I recently wrote an article about my experience of returning to squash after 6 months off court. I'm sure you'll all be thrilled to hear that I'm much less sore after matches now and my movement is ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 23, 2022
When I watch professional squash I don't usually dissect players' swings and techniques in too much detail because I'm immersed in the game, but, after watching Mazen Hesham play a few times, there's ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 12, 2022
I recently got back to the UK after a 6-month trip travelling around Canada, which was absolutely incredible! However, this meant that I haven't actually been able to play squash for around 6 months.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 06, 2022
Playing someone completely new can be daunting.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 22, 2022
In case you didn't already know, we sponsor a number of professional and up-and-coming players here at Control the 'T' Sports. We often refer to our players as 'Team CT' or 'Team Control the T' and ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 22, 2022
The fast-paced nature of squash means that having fast reactions is pretty much essential, especially if you're looking to attack on the volley.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 11, 2022
The line between 'proper technique' and 'individual technique' has become more and more blurred over the years in squash.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 11, 2022
We've all been there. Game ball down.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 28, 2022
A recent incident between Mostafa Asal and Lucas Serme divided the world of squash with regards to who was at fault and what each player should have done in the situation.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 28, 2022
I know I talk a lot about the PSA World Tour on our blog, however, I'm aware that not all of you will keep up with professional squash (which is absolutely fine).
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 21, 2022
Whether you're looking for decisive control or unrelenting power, there's a Dunlop Sonic Core squash racquet for you!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 14, 2022
Tournament season is well and truly underway and if there's one thing that's great about tournaments, it's that there are options and opportunities for players of literally any standard out there!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 14, 2022
It's common knowledge that mental strength is very important in squash, but that can mean a lot of things.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 07, 2022
The Dunlop Sonic Core Revelation Pro Lite is ideal for accessing maneuverability and dynamic control with every shot. I decided to jump on court and put it to the test, here are my thoughts...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 07, 2022
The Dunlop Sonic Core Revelation Pro is the control-orientated racquet of choice for Egyptian squash legend, Ali Farag. This really speaks volumes about what this racquet is capable of.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 07, 2022
The Dunlop Sonic Core Revelation 125 is focused on one thing, explosive power. With that said, I put this racquet to the test and found it pretty versatile all around!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 07, 2022
The Dunlop Sonic Core Revelation 135 is arguably the most powerful racquet in the Sonic Core range, but that doesn't mean a compromise on control.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 29, 2022
Recently, we had the Open De France De Squash and it was one of the most vibrant, thriving events I've ever see.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 29, 2022
Constructed with control in mind, the Dunlop Sonic Core Pro 130 allows the user to place the ball exactly where their opponent will not be able to reach it.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 29, 2022
The Dunlop Sonic Core Elite Gregory Gaultier Edition was created in collaboration with the French General himself, it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to jump on court and put this racquet to ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 29, 2022
The Dunlop Sonic Core Elite 135 is a control-orientated racquet that's ideal for players with a larger swing looking to dictate the pace of rallies through accurate play.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 26, 2022
The Dunlop Sonic Core Ultimate 132 is ideal for players who like to take their time accurately placing the ball exactly where they want.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 24, 2022
I've watched the Qatar Classic (2022) a little while back and noticed a particular shot that those top players seem to be able to execute repeatedly and perfectly.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 23, 2022
You might have heard the name Victor Crouin popping up a lot over the past couple of weeks and there's a good reason for that...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 09, 2022
Stiffness plays a pretty big role in the feel of the racquet as well as the type of player it's suited to, despite this, it seems as though there isn't a ton of information about racquet flexibility ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 03, 2022
Beginning with the CIB Zed Squash Open (which is currently underway as I write this), the 2022/23 PSA World Tour season is now underway and I can't wait to binge-watch as many tournaments as possible!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 16, 2022
The figure of 8 has been used by players for generations for a good reason, it's an absolutely great drill.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 13, 2022
I've met a ton of squash players over the years and one thing that's really blown my mind is just how many players have some sort of ritual when it comes to squash.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 05, 2022
I've been playing squash for a pretty long time (around 15 years) and there have been a number of periods throughout my squash journey in which I've slipped into the bad habit of having a lazy ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 03, 2022
A common misconception when it comes to drop shots is that they need to be played very softly, this isn't always the case.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 02, 2022
It's that time of year when many squash players would prefer to be outside enjoying the hot weather, myself included!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 22, 2022
Do you ever find yourself in the situation where your opponent has hit a really deep shot to one of the back corners, it bounces against the floor and then against the back wall, and you struggle to ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 11, 2022
Our previous blog post reflected on the 2021/22 PSA World Tour Season, so it only seemed right to follow up with some of my predictions for next season!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 05, 2022
Following the recent World Tour Finals, the PSA World Tour season has now come to an end, and what a season it has been!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 16, 2022
Have you heard of the 'Mizuki shot'? I hadn't either until recently! Even though it's a shot I've played on occasion in training and in matches, I didn't actually realize that it was named the Mizuki ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 14, 2022
As I often mention, I (Alex Robertson) live in England, and I'm incredibly lucky that the standard of squash in my local area is pretty good. Whether they're better than me, on a similar level to me, ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 03, 2022
I often talk about unorthodox shots in blog posts and I must say I really enjoy writing about them... So, I decided to focus on yet another, the body shot.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 16, 2022
We recently received a request from a regular reader of the Control the 'T' Newsletter for this blog post topic, which is awesome!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 05, 2022
This blog topic is a little more niche than usual.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 05, 2022
There are a few things my coach taught me as a junior that have really stuck in my head throughout my years of playing squash, one of those things is to do with the pre-game warm-up.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 22, 2022
I recently managed to jump on court to try out the Dunlop Sonic Core Evolution 120 Squash Racquet. As a long-term Tecnifibre user, it was good fun to try out something new for a change!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 18, 2022
This blog post focuses on another awesome upcoming player on the PSA Tour, Patrick Rooney.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on March 14, 2022
If you follow professional squash you'll have no doubt heard of the monumental recent achievements of Paul Coll!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on February 28, 2022
I haven't written a player profile in quite a while and, in light of the unbelievable season she's had, I thought it'd be a good idea to write one up on Gina Kennedy.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 10, 2022
I often base our blog posts on my own weaknesses in squash and this article is no exception!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 28, 2021
Our last blog post looked back on some of the highlights and exciting moments of squash in 2021 (you can read it by clicking here).
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 23, 2021
It's difficult to describe squash in 2021 in one word, but I would certainly say that's it's been a rollercoaster year for the sport.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 16, 2021
I had a chat with Control the 'T' Founder the other day and we got into a chat about squash swings and how they've changed over the years, and, how certain players have adapted to the newer, faster ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 16, 2021
For those of you who are newer to the sport (or those of you who play with a different scoring system), most matches in modern squash are scored as; the first player to get 11 points wins the game, ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 15, 2021
I've had many ups and downs throughout my time playing squash. There have been numerous phases where I've not really wanted to train or play any form of competitive squash.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 26, 2021
I'll have to apologise in advance as I'm a little over a week late with this, but on October 15th, French squash legend Gregory Gaultier announced his immediate retirement from professional squash.
Mike McCue
By Mike McCue
on October 06, 2021
Preparing for tournaments is a very important aspect of squash that is overlooked by many players. People tend to show up on the day of a tournament and dive right into the action without putting ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 28, 2021
Following some awesome results at the Egyptian Open, I thought it'd be a good idea to write a bit more about the up-and-coming Malaysian pro, Eain Yow Ng, in a more focused 'player profile' type blog ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 14, 2021
Cold squash courts are disliked by many and they're not particularly fun to play a match on. Some player's playing styles match perfectly to a cold dead court, but this isn't the case for most!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 13, 2021
Everyone has a slightly different preference when it comes to court temperature, and finding a squash court that's the perfect temperature for you is pretty rare.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 17, 2021
I remember the first time I really watched Youssef Ibrahim play in the 2020 PSA Qatar Classic in which he managed to beat 1 seed, Mohamed ElShorbagy, 3 games to 2.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 01, 2021
Welcome to part 3 of our 'Why We Love Squash' series!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 25, 2021
Welcome to part 2 of our 'Why We Love Squash' series! This week's edition is a little different to last week...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 25, 2021
After what feels like an eternity, squash is finally returning to Ontario on July 16th and we couldn't be happier here at Control The 'T' Sports.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 11, 2021
I watched quite a few matches from the recent El Gouna International, which was again dominated by the Egyptian players.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 09, 2021
I've been playing squash for around 15 years now and I've seen lots of changes and advances in coaching over the years in order to cater to the different playing styles.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 23, 2021
Sometimes, squash training can get repetitive, mundane, and boring. Especially if you're always doing the same few exercises.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 21, 2021
If there's one thing that pleases the crowd in professional squash, it's a crosscourt nick. It's a high-risk, high-reward shot, and it really gets people fired up.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 19, 2021
Since I'm from the UK, I'm lucky enough to have been able to get back on the squash court recently.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 17, 2021
Squash is often compared with chess. Being able to move your opponent around the court, attain a dominant position, and execute your strategy is the key to winning points, and ultimately, winning ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 14, 2021
There's nothing more humiliating in squash than getting 'taxied' and there's nothing more satisfying in squash than 'taxi-ing' someone else! For those of you don't know, a taxi is basically showing ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 13, 2021
I imagine most of you know what a boast is, however, just in case there are any beginners reading this I'll quickly break down the boast. A boast is basically when you hit the ball against the side ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 12, 2021
Since the start of the pandemic, the number of people running has increased exponentially. I myself am part of this trend and so are many of my friends and family.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 11, 2021
It's no secret that squash is a pretty tough sport. For someone who's never played, the ball feels a bit weird, the racquets feel way lighter than a tennis racquet, they're trapped in a strange ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 20, 2021
Professional squash is in a very interesting stage right now. We've got younger players, such as Mostafa Asal and Hania El Hammamy making their presence known on the tour, and we've got experienced ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 08, 2021
A good friend of mine, and a fellow squash player, mentioned recently that he thought that professional squash needed more drama, excitement, and rivalry.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 31, 2021
For many of us, getting on the squash court may not be possible at the moment. For everyone here at Control the 'T' Sports, we're in a form of lockdown and not able to play squash at present.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on January 02, 2021
2020 has been a strange year for us all. The pandemic (which I'm sure you're probably sick of hearing about) has impacted everyone's lives in ways we would have never expected. Sports, in particular, ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 23, 2020
I was reading a thread on Twitter recently which discussed some really interesting points regarding power in squash. The people in the thread were debating whether or not you have to have big, strong ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on December 02, 2020
The pace at which a squash game is played defines the entire match.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 11, 2020
We all know the importance of practice. Repetition of any skill should in theory make you better at that skill. However, whether or not your practice is meaningful can have a huge impact on the speed ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on November 02, 2020
Full disclosure: Something I've been struggling with a little bit recently is maintaining motivation. I know I'm not alone in this as some local squash players I've spoken to have expressed similar ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 30, 2020
I think every player knows and acknowledges that height is important in squash, but I believe that it's still severely under-appreciated by beginner, intermediate, and even some advanced level ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on October 13, 2020
I recently found myself thinking about squash's past campaigns for getting into the Olympic Games, and there's one key point that these campaigns mention which stands out as one of my favourite ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 29, 2020
Hopefully you all managed to watch the first PSA World Tour event to take place following the suspension of the PSA World Tour due to COVID-19. It might not have been exactly what we're used to in ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on September 12, 2020
Open throat or closed throat, which is which? There was recently a small debate in the comments section of one of our blog posts regarding this very question. The blog post itself is a guide to what ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 21, 2020
There's a reason that our slogan is 'helping you find the right gear for your game', we at Control the 'T' believe that everybody has different playing styles and that it's important to know what ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on August 04, 2020
It seems like everywhere is in a slightly different stage in terms of COVID related restrictions on indoor sports. However, many squash players are now managing to get on court again finally... even ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on July 15, 2020
In my humble opinion, having a good grip is equally as important as having a good squash racquet. While playing sports with high intensity levels, such as squash, getting sweaty palms is inevitable. ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 30, 2020
The Dunlop squash ball... the official ball of the WSF and PSA and the only ball used in professional international squash competitions. If you're a squash player, it's highly likely you use or have ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on June 16, 2020
With the re-opening of courts (hopefully) on the horizon, maintaining our squash based movement skills is crucial when preparing to get back to the sport.
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 01, 2020
As today is the final episode of Week of Workouts, for day 7 we decided to take on a tough physical fitness challenge... 'The Spartan 500'. It's certainly one heck of a workout!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on May 01, 2020
For day 6 of Week of Workouts, I decided to focus on an area that is often neglected by many (myself included), dynamic flexibility! Today's workout is ideal for getting your body prepared for ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 30, 2020
Day 5's episode of Week of Workouts slows things down a little... today's workout focuses on stability and balance. The exercises involved are low-intensity and require a little more concentration ...
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 29, 2020
We're now up to day 4 in our Week of Workouts, similar to day 2, today's episode features a calorie burning high intensity cardio circuit that requires no equipment and minimal space!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 28, 2020
Here it is, 'Week of Workouts' day 3! Today's video focuses on an area that's extremely important for squash players, athletes, and indeed everybody in everyday life, core strength!
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 27, 2020
If you're looking for a fast, high-intensity workout that requires minimal space and burns a few calories, Day 2's episode of Week of Workouts is ideal... check it out:
Alex Robertson
By Alex Robertson
on April 26, 2020
Most areas of the world are in some form of lockdown, with sports clubs and gyms mostly closed, improving or even maintaining your fitness, strength, and flexibility from home can prove incredibly ...