I recently got back from a season of travelling, so, I'd actually been pretty much off court for around four months. I did manage to play every now and then, but, no more than once per month so I'm ...
In this article, I often talk about specific drills and exercises that are good for working on certain areas of your game, however, after doing a full session focused on lengths just this morning, I ...
Quite a long time ago now, I wrote an article focusing on the importance of not neglecting your serve. That message still stands strong, however, the next step up from that is mixing up your serve.
Often, the difference between yourself and a player who is a bit better than you isn't capability. Chances are, you're capable of playing the exact same shots as they are, they just play them at the ...
Recently, we've seen a few injuries sustained on the PSA World Tour by some of the best players in the world. Given what they put their bodies through, injuries aren't unexpected per se, but, ...
One of the biggest shortcomings in my own game is that I don't volley particularly often, not necessarily because I can't, but perhaps it's because I'm being too risk averse, trying to conserve ...